We recommend a computerised
stencil machine if you need more than one size characters
or confronted with rigid specifications.
The computerised stencil machine can cut
stencils that range from 1/8" to 24" text,
which provides more flexibility.
The machine allows the operator to create standard character
and graphic design stencils directly on a PC which is
then sent directly to the stencil cutting machine.
The user can design, recall and cut almost any type
or size of stencil or sign, right from the keyboard,
with speed and simplicity. Stretch, compress,
enlarge, reduce, move, slant, size, rotate, duplicate,
mirror, delete, undo, redo, cut, copy, and paste comments
on screen.
The machine accepts external files created in other
software like Adobe Illustrator and CAD programs allowing
for some fairly intricate stencil pattern creation and
production. A computer that
has Windows XP, Vista or 7 software is required.
A system consists of stencil & decal cutter, cables,
2 blades and software.
The stencil cutting machine can be used in many industries
such as Aerospace, Crating, Automotive, Precast, Manufacturing,
Steel, Pipe, Welding, Army, Navy, Airforce, Marines
and etc. |